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Curated by Carl Vitullo (aka vcarl). Recommendations sourced from the community.
Software Career
The Coding Career HandbookBuy online Letters to a New DeveloperBuy onlineBuy locally Unwritten Laws of EngineeringBuy onlineBuy locally Moral Mazes: The World of Corporate ManagersBuy onlineBuy locally The 5 Dysfunctions of a TeamBuy onlineBuy locally MultipliersBuy onlineBuy locally The Tech Resume Inside OutBuy online Staff Engineer: Leadership Beyond the Management TrackBuy online
Software Development
Designing Data-Intensive ApplicationsBuy onlineBuy locally Head First Design PatternsBuy onlineBuy locally Understanding SoftwareBuy onlineBuy locally Code CompleteBuy onlineBuy locally The Effective EngineerBuy onlineBuy locally The Principles of Product Development FlowBuy online
Managers PathBuy onlineBuy locally Engineering Management for the Rest of UsBuy onlineBuy locally Phoenix ProjectBuy onlineBuy locally Managing HumansBuy onlineBuy locally The Mythical Man MonthBuy onlineBuy locally The Making of a ManagerBuy onlineBuy locally
Personal growth
Atomic HabitsBuy onlineBuy locally Difficult ConversationsBuy onlineBuy locally Deep WorkBuy onlineBuy locally Non-Violent CommunicationBuy onlineBuy locally
The Design of Everyday ThingsBuy onlineBuy locally
Good to GreatBuy onlineBuy locally TractionBuy onlineBuy locally